
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mr. Freckles

I am so sorry that our Mini Easter Session was cancelled last Sunday due to grey skies and a very windy evening. I was able to take a few sessions for the ones who could not reschedule for this coming weekend. I thought I'd share a few here so you can see what you have to look forward to.

This one was taken the evening before. Better light, but it was very cold. The kids were shivering.

Cross your fingers and maybe we will have good weather this weekend. Remember to give me a call if you don't know your session time. (832) 498-5820
This is the last weekend I will be offering this limited edition mini session. Mr. Freckles has to get home. His family deeply misses him.

1 comment:

Melissa Rodriguez Photography said...

Such a classy Easter shoot! I love these.